
Autodesk inventor 2015 updates
Autodesk inventor 2015 updates

autodesk inventor 2015 updates

Note that the custom_printers.xml file itself may be replaced by future installers, so put your printer in a copy! You can have multiple printers in the same file. Copy and edit custom_printers.xml to add your own printers, they appear under Custom in printers panel. sample printer definition included in meshmixer folder, in \meshmixer\printers.API scripting improvbents related to C#.updated existing analytics functionality.save support structure generation settings in Overhangs tool as custom Presets.preserve settings for Uniform Scaling, Add Tube.new command line parameter: "-yup", which forces y axis to be the vertical axis, overriding the config setting.

autodesk inventor 2015 updates autodesk inventor 2015 updates

hotbox improvbent: using Shift+Space will keep the hot box open until you hit escape.rboved third-party print services that weren't really working anyways.automatic support for high-DPI displays on Windows.completed Japanese version of Meshmixer.fixed intermittent mesh disappearing after running Make Solid or Remesh.fixed the Cancel button for long-running tools.fixed startup crashes for certain machines.NOTE: requires graphics card drivers update mesh normal rendering mode now has correct default.using '' keys for Mac to contract/expand selection.applying Offset to a mesh with boundary.Added a hotkey for toggling printer bed rendering.Please add your comments about how the crash happened. A report can now be sent to Autodesk when Meshmixer crashes, which will allow us to debug your issues in a more meaningful way. Implemented Customer Error Report (CER) functionality.You can now easily add custom printers and use your printer software to do the actual print, or you can export your model as STL and send it to the 3rd party printing services. We have eliminated 3rd party printing services that were not working properly and causing crashes. added a fix for Macs with retina displays.added more fixes for crashes and bugs due to the outdated graphics card drivers.3MF is an XML-based data format - human-readable compressed XML - that includes definitions for data related to 3D manufacturing, including third-party extensibility for custom data. added support for the 3MF file format.added ViewCube! See for more information.

Autodesk inventor 2015 updates